Directory websites for therapists

January 26, 2010 Post Comment Uncategorised

Over the period of December 2009 and January 2010 I have noticed a considerable proliferation of therapy related “directory websites” – all of whom email me as a healer inviting me to sign up to their directory listing, mostly on a national level but quite often on an international (or as they describe it – global) level.

These invites are usually on the (initial) basis of a free listing, and the ‘sales’ pitch is usually on the range of benefits from joining or, more to the point, the downsides of not joining. The end result for me has been an evaluation of MY criteria in (a) even considering the invite and (b) actually going ahead with registration.

Which brings me to the Hypnotherapy Directory, which I signed up to at the end of last year (2009). Why did this directory stand out for me and what encouraged me to join them in particular? In the end it came down to a simple A-B-C!

A – Approach was individual and not sales-oriented. It felt that I mattered to them and not the other way around. I was invited to view their site – and was struck here by another “A”- appearance. The appearance and layout (for me at least) was effectively “congruent”, which is a word perhaps not bandied about by site designers.

B – Beneficial – the site came across as likely to be beneficial for all users, both therapists and potential clients.
For the latter the contents include information and advice about how hypnotherapy might be effective for a whole range of conditions and issues, an FAQ section that addresses areas where newcomers to hypnotherapy can be guided through and towards, and of course a ‘find a therapist’ section that is post-code oriented in a useful way.
There is an opportunity for registered members to publish articles – as well as an oft-updated ‘News’ section carrying information and media articles on aspects of hypnotherapy, case studies etc. There is also an ‘Events’ section that is beneficial for both potential clients as well as therapists.

C – Credibility – I feel it is really important that all members are ‘vetted’ in terms of certification and insurance. This way there is little likelihood of George The Cat ( re-emerging as a credible hypnotherapist. This procedure alone helps all potential clients considerably, as well as protecting those of us in practice who take therapy seriously.

All in all I can recommend the Hypnotherapy Directory a most useful site and I’m confident that, with time, the enquiries and referrals received will expand effectively as they continue to provide a real benefit to both members and their potential clients.

You can reach them here:-