Discovering and using my ‘Shadow’
The Shadow
Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is
embodied in the individual’s conscious life,
the blacker and denser it is.
At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag,
thwarting our most well-meant intentions.
— Dr. Carl G. Jung
One of the features and exercises during my attendance recently at The Art of Enlightened Success with Jamie Smart, was to understand, discuss and illuminate our various own ‘shadows’.
The exercise (among other elements) was to each choose 3 anti-heroes, persons (living or dead – although I chose living) who we considered to be most despicable. We then chose the most repugnant of the three and decided upon their 3 worst attributes, the ones that, as we considered, made them what they are (or were).
Next, we were to take the worst attribute and to assume – as best we could – the persona of this attribute by saying it out loud. For this exercise we paired with a partner, whose sole job was to observe as we said “I am ….this attribute” 3 or 4 times, pausing in between.
Through this exercise we all had a number of sensual and observed revelations. Apart from the outward physiological changes, mine was a very illuminating ‘flash image’ from the unconscious! I had to say “I am inhuman” four times – and on first utterance I had images of the person concerned plus others from history and inhuman acts. On the second I had the momentary flash of myself, associated, behind the wheel of a car!
So somewhere within I judged myself as periodically inhuman when driving – and, to be true, I have to admit to occasional lapses into ranting at other drivers, usually when they drive ‘in my boot’ or do something crass. Clearly my unconscious saw this as far worse – so I took this as a learning experience and that here was an opportunity to deal with my shadow.
I knew very well that there would be an opportunity to test things out on the way home later, and thus it was, after a couple of miles I was approaching a roundabout near the A3 when someone drove straight out in front of me instead of giving way. Curiously, I mouthed the customary swear word or phrase though this time without any emotion – and then laughed in both amusement and amazement!
Since then I have been emotion free when driving – in spite of idiots – and am now even progressing to remaining swear-free towards other road users.
Revelations (and corrections) from inside out! I say as always – trust your unconscious…