Meeting My Friend Pain
The Projects
The Challenges
The Background
Hypnotic Means
The second implication starts once I am “in the chair,” so to speak. It might be considered that once we are in the chair then we are at the mercy of the dentist – yet I would contend that we are, in actual fact, at the mercy of ourselves. If our relationship with our thinking is such that we are more on the side of Brace rather than Embrace, then we will be rigid not relaxed, our breathing will be shallow and rapid not deep (abdominal) and slow. Where in our bodies we are breathing, at this stage, is a VITAL gateway to further hypnotic means.
Our rate and level of breathing has a direct relationship with our frequency levels of brainwave activity. And our brainwave frequencies are much lower in meditative, reflective, imaginative and somnolent states.
(** How we construct our emotions is explored in Lisa Feldman Barrett’s excellent book “How Emotions Are Made.”)
The Crescendo in the Treatment
I am writing this some 24 hours on from the latest episode in my Treatment Plan – a hospital appointment to remove one wisdom tooth, five decayed, broken or worn down top front teeth, and the enlarged dental cyst from the roof of the mouth.
This was – as they say – the BIG one.
Once in the chair I was administered a series of injections of local anaesthetic. The wisdom tooth was to come out first followed by the five top front teeth. The cyst removal was the major part, followed by suturing the wound in the roof of the mouth and the final clearing up.
This I have found to be an effective hypnotic induction as well as a personal go-to means of re-accessing mental equilibrium. It was a great help to my means of “letting go” during the removal of the dental cyst – where I was able to breathe deeply, explore the space and just float away whilst the surgery team performed the necessary, and often rigorous, procedures. I experienced a sense of calm detachment, even though there was some involuntary tension in certain unrelated parts of the body!