Resilience – the Update!
Given a run of poor results or performances, at any given time teams need more of it, whilst some of the individuals within the team have gained a lot more of it, some who had lost theirs have got it back, and some can’t seem to find theirs right now.
Individual players too suffer the same ebb and flow. Everywhere we turn, we hear resilience mentioned.
And it probably goes to the deep-seated fear in our society of being dubbed as a bit of a head case, slightly weird, unhinged, not quite all there, not entirely in control, dysfunctional, having a problem, of being unable to cope, of being ill in the mind, of being – for all intents and purposes – BROKEN.
Our culture, built as it is upon the perfect ideal, can just about put up with broken bodies – but broken minds? Perish the thought. Yet, statistically, we are told that 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year.
Bouncing Back
Gaining a Foothold on Resilience
A = Acknowledge the error and the frustration it has caused
R = Review the play and determine how and why the error occurred
S = Strategise a plan to make the necessary corrections for the future
E = Execute and prepare for the next play
Arseing about
I am coaching an 8 year old at the moment who is very keen on his cricket and has above average talent. I noticed early on that if he perceived some part of our practice as being a performance, a contest, then his behaviour changed. He would hit the ball, make a slight error, fall to the ground whilst saying in a miserable tone of voice how he’d got it wrong, messed it up, and seemed inconsolably upset with himself. He appeared to become a near perfectionist and probably had about 5% resilience.
Without consciously realising it at first, I ran the ARSE strategy and got him back on his feet and ready to play the next ball. I got him to hit 10 balls at a target in this little contest, and after every error he ran his sequence and I ran the ARSE strategy.
Now the interesting thing here was that not only was he learning how to be more resilient, but he was also learning about MY coaching culture, and my approach to helping people get over errors and to getting better. By the time we’d moved on to practicing another cricket skill, he’d grasped the whole idea of how we get better at something by making mistakes and getting it wrong.
Work in Progress
“What makes you think that?” I asked, quite curious about his perspective.
“Well it wouldn’t work on me would it? It’s all to do with what’s going on in here,” he said, tapping the top of his head.
I leaned forward and looked straight at him,
“How do you know you haven’t already got some resilience?”