Procrastination – Part 2

September 23, 2013 Post Comment Uncategorised
Definition has it that procrastination is a particular
behaviour characterised by performing less urgent tasks in preference to the
more meaningful and/or urgent tasks. Another variant is choosing more
pleasurable actions over less pleasurable though more essential ones.
To my mind there are two ways of
looking at procrastination – the conventional and the unconventional. In Part One
I explored my perspective of the conventional way. Here in Part Two I take a
more unconventional approach.
Avoid Convention
To my mind the unconventional approach holds simplistic
pathways to permanent change, where these points prevail:
  • No one is broken
  • Once we change our perceptions, transformation happens
  • There’s never a need to consult a To-Do list
I start my conversations with clients inviting them to tell
me what happens for them. They will usually say, almost for starters, “This may sound weird,” or “You may think I’m weird, but,” and so
on. In their perceptions, the whole structure of their behavioural experience
is framed up as ‘weird’ and they need to be put back to (or made into) ‘normal’,
‘regular’ or – dare I say it – ‘conventional’.
The relief and relaxation that washes over them when they
discover firstly that ‘weird is normal’ because we are all unique, is often
patently visible. Out of that they then discover that they are not broken in
any way and then we continue talking around their perceptions and how they make
up their view of the world.
And if we are talking particularly about procrastination, I
often show them an illustration of The Procrastinator’s Clock – just to gauge
their responses!
The Clock illustrates time as a metaphor for the
procrastinator. This is very much the coat-hanger for his procrastinators’
Before he dons this cloak he is normal – the un-weird Mr
He believes the task X needs to be done and although now might be a good time,
it can be left and done at a later date. There may and perhaps will be
consequences of this, however.
Now at this
very moment, as he considers the task X, he is hit by feelings of discomfort.
Some thought process has triggered these feelings but he’s probably not aware
of this. He just gets the feelings, thinks about them, considers them, and then
acts upon them.
The action he
performs is labelled as procrastination,
and this is the moment he dons his cloak and engages with the clock!


Just suppose he was considering the task X and felt that
there were good and sensible reasons to not do it today or Right Now. Then he’d
get no feeling of discomfort.
If he had a sixth sense experience that seemed to say ‘this is not a good
idea’ then the feeling and its bodily location would be different.

No, the proper discomfort he feels is quite a specific set
of sensations – probably feelings he is familiar with, if he is a “chronic”

Next, in order to justify his deferment of X, he sets about
filling his Now with other tasks – tasks with much less consequence than X. It
is a variant of Parkinson’s Law. In doing this he justifies to himself (far
more than to others) his reasons for putting things off. He wants His World to
see that his time is meaningfully occupied, and that X would take much longer,
so starting today is not the wisest thing to do.

It appears that there is a useful purpose for his putting
off doing X. Now, this is a powerful excuse, and it has staying power – he can
use it again and again, for he can always be “busy” right Now! It makes the next deferment easier, and so the loop
goes on.

In the moment, however, the issue isn’t the task X, it is
the discomfort.
The problem for him, right Now, is that he is trying to make the discomfort go away, and not X.

He isn’t a fool – he knows he cannot make X go away, because
he knows it has to be done at some time, and probably sooner rather than later.
Yet, the discomfort is what causes
his deferment. And his frustrating dilemma is that only deferment seems
to take it away.

When we procrastinate we often feel
we are prisoners of such a habit – and the bars of that prison seem as close as
are the hours on the clock face approaching 12. Yet, when procrastination
begins, the bars of the prison are as wide apart as hours 1-4.

Here, our perception of time is
distorted. The metaphor appears amusing on the outside and from a distance, yet
on the inside it can seem as real as we want to make it.

However – the key, the essential
element, to understand here is this:
Where procrastination is concerned, all
of Time is distorted – whether it is the first hour or the eleventh hour. And
when Time is distorted, like that, we need to realise that it is just an

Interestingly, with Time having such
relevance in the domain of procrastination, it is a short and conclusive
journey to the next realisation – that procrastination itself is also an
Illusion Perspective

Procrastination and Time are perceptive

Imagine looking through a telescope.
Now imagine seeing everything permanently through a telescope. If we don’t know what a telescope does, then when we use it we get a distorted
view of the world whichever end we look through. The moment we know about telescopes then our view of the world we
thought was REAL, suddenly changes.

Flight simulators, virtual reality
goggles, microscopes, all change our perspective – and what they present for us
is also a perceptive illusion. We just happen to know about the illusion, adjust our minds accordingly, and make
really good use of the illusion.

With every illusion we are living
within, there is an answer, an escape through metaphor. Metaphor helps us
unlock the conundrum – rather like one I mentioned about the hourly gaps on the
clock being akin to the gaps between the prison bars; and rather like seeing
the world through a telescope not knowing what telescopes do.

So once we realise that the reality
of our behaviour called procrastination is one we have made up, then the
following conclusion can be very quickly drawn:-

There is no prison here at all – we are just
inside an illusion.

Time, as man has constructed it, is also
an illusion.

And I’d like to draw an elusive
parallel here with some other illusions, namely – the sky, and the sea.
The sky is blue, as we know, yet when we look at it closely it is not blue at
all. It has no colour. The sea also is blue, except that it isn’t. On days when
the sky is blue, the sea is blue, also. When the sky is cloudy and grey, the
sea also appears grey – yet we know neither of them are grey, or blue, or
indeed any colour at all. Water is colourless, except for what is suspended in
it. It is the suspension that gives it colour. The sky’s colour is caused by
whatever is suspended in it also. 

Interlude – The Quotes

By way of a pause, I’d like to offer you a quote and a poem
concerning the sky and, in particular, rain.

“There are holes in
the sky where the rain gets in. But they’re ever so small, that’s why rain is
  ~ Spike Milligan

“When it rains the sky
doesn’t get wet. Only what appears gets wet – such as the earth or things on it
or in the sky.”
~ Paul Hedderman

I’ve occasionally talked to people about the gaps between
raindrops being dry. If we could dodge the drops then we’d remain dry too. We
can feel the raindrops as they hit us, yet do we ever feel the touch of the dry
gaps as they hit us? No – because the rain is suspended, falls and lands on us;
dry is not suspended so we cannot see it or hear it. Yet – we CAN feel it, so
perhaps it IS suspended after all?
What is dry, when all is said and done? Is it only an absence of rain or
something more?

Now I’ve put these questions here for a purpose, with
regards to my unconventional perspective of procrastination.

Procrastination is like a mirage or indeed any other
illusion. We may see it as real, but it is like anxiety or confidence. It is
not real, merely a construct suspended in time. Because it is suspended in time
we see it as real. It is like the suspension that colours water or sky. Once we
realise that it, too, is an illusion, then we are left with nothing.

And as we know – nothing gives us zero feelings of

About Time

When we take time and empty out all the suspended stuff what
are we left with? Empty time! And empty time is pure time.

And the only pure
time is Right Now. The rest (the
future and the past) we make up.

Time only appears real when things are suspended in it. We
divide it up into episodes, give those episodes names and suspend them in time.
We code up memories and suspend them in time to make them real. If we didn’t
code them up then we wouldn’t remember them. We imagine sometime in the future
and suspend things like forthcoming events in that imaginary time. In the act
of suspension they become real, even though they haven’t even happened.
“It’s not like I imagined it would be!”
– No, it never is! Because what is actually happening from moment to moment is
a “live” experience!

Pure time, like pure sky or pure water, is an uncluttered
medium that contains no impurities or suspensions.


What is the key element of suspension that hangs in Time,
and so makes Time seem real for us?

Curiously enough, it is all of our own making – and the
unimaginably simple answer is:
It is our thought processes; our thinking.
And you’d be amazed, because it gets
When we feel discomfort – it is our thinking. When we judge – it is our

Experience, any experience including the “live” one, is as
real as we want to make it – but that reality is made by a thought process. Without
a thought behind it, how would we know it had happened? When “how we imagined it would be” compared
with our experience is always different, it is because the thinking behind it
was different. Nothing will ever be exactly the same, every second time around,
for the very same reason.

You may have heard of the comment about when the tree falls
in the forest; if there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?

Well, if there is no thought around to suspend in time – do
we notice time at all?

Like sky, or water – the moment we become consciously aware
of time, then we aren’t noticing time itself, we are noticing what is suspended
in it. In other words, we are noticing our thinking. When we have no perception
of time – when time seems to stand still for us – then there is no thinking
suspended in it.

On some days time just seems to drag, whilst on others it
really flies by – is merely a noticed perception of distorted time with varying
degrees of thinking behind it.

In hypnosis, or meditation, or in The Zone or Flow State
there is no sense of time and there is also little or no thinking.


So you want to stop deferring important tasks?
Ask yourself what stops you doing that X Right Now?
“The thought of doing it Right Now makes
me feel uncomfortable.”

“Then don’t do it Right Now.”
“But I must, because it is important –
and will be harder and more urgent tomorrow.”
“Then just do it Right Now.”
“But I can’t because the thought of doing
it Right Now makes me feel uncomfortable.”
“You do realise that Right Now is the only time you CAN do it?”
“EH? What do you mean?”
“Well the only time you can ever do anything IS Right Now. Any other time
in the future is just imaginary and hasn’t happened yet. And you can’t do anything
when something isn’t happening. Can’t you? Tell me, will you be happy when you’ve
done X?”
“Maybe – I know I’ll be relieved at least!”
“So why not Do It AND be relieved and happy Right Now? That way it’ll be ‘double’
worth doing?”
“Yea, I see. But …”
“Just sit on that but for a moment. So what stops you doing it Right Now?”
“Because the thought of doing it always used
to make me feel uncomfortable.”
“Well that’s because you ALWAYS used the same thought! Why not just Do It
without thinking? Then nothing will get in the way of your doing it, will it?”


Ever woken up and thought “Where Am I?” We’ve all experienced that at some point in our lives.
Next thing is we check what time it is. We are re-orienting ourselves in time
and space.

Are you ever asleep in your dreams? Do you ever dream of
sleeping? Are those two identical questions?

It is very easy to become too conscious about Time. Being
too conscious about any illusion makes it super-real. When we do, we pay far
too much attention to anything and everything suspended in that illusion.

And if you think that super-real is really surreal anyway,
then you’ll know you can stop thinking that any time you like.

The audio version of this article is available on YouTube – just click on this link!