“I’m not averse …”



Adversity Is

Adversity is Shaping
Adversity is shaping Me

Adversity is shaping me Into

Adversity is shaping me into Who

Adversity is shaping me into who I

Adversity is shaping me into who I Will

Adversity is shaping me into who I will Become
Adversity is shaping me into who I will become Tomorrow

Adversity can shape me

Adversity can shade me

Adversity can shake me

Adversity can shame me

Adversity can shape me into who I will be, come tomorrow

Tomorrow may scare me

Tomorrow may snare me

Tomorrow may spare me

Tomorrow may share me

Tomorrow may spare me adversity, come into who I will be

Tomorrow I may become who adversity is shaping me Into

Tomorrow I may become who adversity is shaping Me
Tomorrow I may become who adversity is Shaping

Tomorrow I may become who adversity Is

Tomorrow I may become who Adversity

Tomorrow I may become Who

Tomorrow I may Become

Tomorrow I May

Tomorrow I


(with inspirational thanks to Frederique Murphy)