Beginning to See The Light
My story this particular day is all about certain event alignments, you could call them little bits of cosmic order, that seem to coalesce in terms of making meaning for someone. The ‘someone’, on this particular occasion, is me – which can be quite understandable since I am the one who noticed the event alignments!
Now the thing with these kinds of events, these messages of meaning, is that they are everywhere and happen all the time. However, they often don’t get noticed – there is no interpretation of their apparent randomness. There is too much hurly-burly going on in the mind. Or, to put it another way, there is a greater degree of attention being paid to certain things that diminishes our attention elsewhere.
The thing about hurly-burly is that it usually takes place within perhaps one or two of the senses at any particular moment. Within our five main areas of sensual input we should be able to deal with any overload (a euphemism for hurly-burly) on one and maybe two of the senses up to a point. However we also have our self-dialogue to deal with in this mix, and this is where we have the facility to amplify, diminish, and manipulate the sensual input – whatever its source – in order to enhance our ability to interpret it.
It’s what makes us good at doing what we do, good at noticing what is going on, good at being who we are.
In this regard I use ‘good’ in the meaning of being efficient and proficient. A happy person is proficient at being happy. If you are easily upset then you’ve become good at it. Someone who can run fast has recognised that their body is efficient at that. In my case, whether it is useful or otherwise, I happen to have become good at noticing cosmic messages.
The Scene
My Dad (92) spends most of his waking moments doing either one of two main activities. The first is associated with his stamp collection, so he does what I describe as ‘things philatelic’. The second is he plays music on a harmonium, or small pedal organ. Although he has age related dementia which affects his memory, his musical recollection is very much unimpaired in terms of notes. As a result he’ll play a song he remembers without usually recalling the words. To help him with this I go on the internet and print out the lyrics for him. He now has a ‘library’ of about 70 printouts, and he goes through these on a daily basis, selecting ones he wants to play and now is able to sing along with the words to hand.
He does both of these activities in one room which is reasonably well lit and heated, although In the recent cold weather I’ve supplemented the central heating with a fan heater. In the evenings when he sits at the harmonium there is a lamp to help him read the words more easily, and the fan heater works off the same plug as the lamp.
The Cosmic Message
I woke up this morning pondering on recent events surrounding the England Cricket team and their difficulties in dealing with the Pakistan bowling attack and one bowler in particular. There is a solution, I considered, and it’s got to be bound up with their mental approach to their difficulties. Their current mental approach and the way that has been outwardly manifested into their techniques, has not been serving them well – I surmised.
At this point readers with any understanding of The Three Principles will stand up and wave flags at my resolution of England’s issues and lack of wellbeing as a competitive unit – as being all centred around Thought and the effects of their individual and collective thinking!
So with England’s issues (and certain other inner questions of my own) now resolved I came downstairs and started to prepare my Dad’s “study” for him to occupy later in the day.
I pulled the curtains and switched on the fan heater. Needless to say, the lamp came on at the same time – so I walked across to the harmonium to deal with the lamp. It’s old, and has no switch – so I unscrewed the light bulb. And at that precise moment my eyes came to rest on the top sheet of lyrics resting on the music shelf of the instrument…
And the name of the song was – “I’m Beginning to see The Light”
(This article is simultaneously posted in my other blog “Mind How You Go”)