Acknowledge the Knowledge – and spend it!!

Part of my acknowledgement of living is that I learn something new every day. This can be something experienced or something cognitively deduced or something insightful. Whichever way it is sourced, I always try to be true to acknowledging the wonder – and to thank the provider.
I believe it is part of what enables me to keep an open mind on everything and helps me maintain an understanding, a respect and a humility for my fellow humans.

Working a lot with children brings all these beliefs and values right up to the surface, in close proximity, and – by the very nature of coaching and teaching – means that I spend a lot of time dispensing knowledge or routes to knowledge.
This is a relationship, however, and an equilibrium has to be maintained for this relationship to work best. All communication is a two way thing even though the balance of speak/hear, give/receive, talk/listen, show/copy, teach/learn etc ebbs and flows through the interactions of the relationship. There are times when I’m the learner/receiver and the child is the teacher/giver – its inevitable – it happens. And its at these times when I’m enthused, and I acknowledge the knowledge.

I love the look on a child’s face when I thank them for helping ME learn something new today. They can’t quite believe what they hear – because they are always used to knowledge, understandings, teachings, to be going in only one direction.

Knowledge is the currency of wisdom – and in the same way that money is worthless unless it is used – knowledge is worthless until it is used. Money and knowledge are purely means of exchange. Learning is an illusion until we use, or spend, the knowledge. To be clever, or artful, is of no use until the person converts their knowledge, uses their skills, for a purpose.

The day an education system tutors children in how to spend their knowledge will be the day it starts to evolve.
For now – all of us need to acknowledge the knowledge, and spend it!