“Should’ve gone to……”

November 4, 2010 Post Comment Uncategorised

There’s an advert featuring an old couple walking at the seaside who take a rest and “it’s good to take the weight off your feet.” So they sit down on what they see as some ‘free seats’ and she reaches inside her picnic bag and gets out some sandwiches. He asks her “have you got a cheese one?”
And at that moment, the bar comes down on the roller coaster and it slowly sets off gathering speed.
And before they know it they’re being whisked hither amd thither, surrounded by other people who are squealing, getting their faces pulled out of shape by speed and g-forces, and rushing through a water slide – interestingly neither of them ever close their eyes!
Eventually the roller coaster comes to a stop and the last scene is we see them walk off down the promenade and he says “what kind of cheese was that?”
It’s one of a series of adverts for Specsavers, where people with less than perfect eyesight blunder into amusing action.

So what are some of the subtle learnings, insights and presuppositions here for the rest of us? Here are a few notions that come to my mind – you may have some others that are particlarly stimulated by the experience – either remembered or constructed.

There is a presupposition that vision is important for safety.
That thrills and excitement are only there for those who anticipate it.
That eating certain cheeses can bring about curious events and happenings.
That there is an inner reality and an outer reality and the deeper we are in either the less we notice about the other.
That we are never too old to do anything, only thinking about it makes us scared.
That we should trust the unconscious, as it keeps us far more safe than we can ever realise.
That what we see is only our perception of reality and not what is actually there. In other words, we are making it up – from thought.