Olympic Investment?
I always thought Olympic facilities were meant to be an investment by the host cities and countries for the longer term good of their own people – part of the infrastructure.
When I was directed to sign up for one of the Downing Street Petitions I was curious to discover what led to it’s being set up. The petition is here: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/OlympicShooting/
and the reasons for it are these……
Over £18 million (at the 2006 bid price) will be spent on building the 2012 Olympic shooting sports venue at Woolwich Barracks and then after the Olympics it will be pulled down again. This is not only a total waste of money and an immoral use of resources but more importantly it does not leave any lasting legacy for shooting sports in this country. Every year the Great Britain shooting teams bring home medals from competing in ISSF and FITASC disciplines world wide. Surely it deserves a lasting legacy?
Waste not want not