

To date I have written ten books in the domain of perceptual change – covering the field of dealing with the stresses and pressures of examinations, personal or team development, understanding the nature and impact of language, aspects of coaching, and how we can improve the ways we are negotiating our journey through life in terms of our performances. In my view all perceptual change engenders development on some level whether we are aged 1 or 91 – whereby we notice differences from various perspectives, which leads to our learning, and thus we continue to develop.

I write from personal and practical experience as I have encountered change using the methodologies I am currently familiar with. As I see it, knowing what makes us and those around us tick, is great theoretical knowledge. However, only the spending of that knowledge will make it powerful and valuable for us.

While the books contain many practical examples of transformational outcomes, they do – by nature of their construction – encourage the reader to also be an open-minded fellow traveller on the journey. Many noticeably covert subtleties abound, and one of the particular areas of feedback I’ve had from readers has been noticing their own changes of view that have resulted from reading the chapters.

Although one can do so, these are not books to be read from start to finish per se, but rather to be dipped into on a regular basis. Chapters are short, taken – as some are – from articles on my blog.

All the books have kindle versions and “Lamplighters” is also available as an Audiobook. If you click on any of the books illustrated, the link will take you to either Amazon (paperback or kindle versions) or Lulu Marketplace (my publishing source).  There you can find many more details about each book with regards to both content and prices. I also do signed copies – so, for those folk who have that preference when buying a ‘tangible’ version, please contact me direct and I will send you a more personal copy!

Don’t Think of a Black Cat

Caterpillars love to be Snakes

Lamp Lighters

My Reunion with Love and Innocence

Gateways to The Zone

Navigating the Ship of You

The CACTUS Approach

Putting a Different Spin On It!

Mind How You Play

Mind How You Go

Visit my you tube Channel Here
